What are the AppNavi "Analytics" for?

Transparency regarding the use
AppNavi Analytics gives transparency about the usage of AppNavi. This enables the usage of AppNavi to be determined, the route offered to be evaluated and route interruptions to be dealt with.

From overview to detail
In addition to a dashboard with central KPIs, the analytics also enable evaluations at the content level, e.g. per route.

Insights into user behaviour

AppNavi processes the various user events and displays them in simple graphics. The following information can be read from the charts and analytics displays

Active Users
An Active User is a user who has called up an application at least once in a specified time period. If a user with a unique id (userid) has called up an application several times in the specified time period, the user is only counted as one user.

Interacting Users
An interacting user is a unique user who has interacted with appnavi at least one time. An interaction could be:

  • Starting a route
  • Proceed a route
  • Reading a post/announcement
  • Clicking on the avatar
  • Play an augmentation

Recurring Users
A returning user is a user who has used AppNavi at least twice in a specified period of time.

Interaction time
The interaction time indicates how long a user or all users have interacted with the system within a period of time. Interaction times include the following:

  • The duration of a route run (duration of all step displays within a route)
  • The display duration of an article or announcement
  • The Playtime of an augmentation item of type hint