AppNavi Guide API
AppNavi has a client-side JavaScript API with which certain avatar functions can be controlled.
In AppNavi, we have APIs through which we can manage and customize our client-side avatars. We have separate APIs for each feature, such as Application APIs, Route APIs, Pins APIs, Posts APIs, and more. These APIs allow us to control AppNavi effectively.
Custom code statements are implemented in JavaScript.
If AppNavi has been integrated into a page using the An-loader, you can execute the custom code API in two ways: through the browser console and via the custom code hooks within the AppNavi Portal. However, if AppNavi was integrated into a page using the Chrome Extension, access is limited to the code hooks within the AppNavi Portal and cannot be done through the console.
The API methods can be accessed through the following object: window.appnaviApi
AppNavi covers following API's
Application API's : The application API offers various events and methods for managing the behavior of the AppNavi avatar.
It has different methods that can be used to manage avatar such as avatar load, set target audience, get current subscriptions and many more.
The Application API also encompasses the Announcement, News, and Info APIs. Through the News and Announcement APIs, users can control the display, hiding, and reading functionality on various applications. Additionally, with the Info API, users can display Info as tooltips for specified applications.
Routes API's : The Route API comprises all the methods which helps in controlling and managing the flow of route data. AppNavi offers support for custom code at both the route and step levels. The code can be executed within the context of the corresponding initiated route and can also register for events such as: Route Start, Stop, play and many more.
The Route API also includes automation functionality. The Automation API encompasses all the methods for controlling the automation flow within a route.
Pins API's : The Pins API includes all the relevant events and methods for managing the AppNavi Pins feature.
It includes different API's to show or hide pins, get pins, hover pins and many more.
Analytics API's : In the Analytics API, we have two methods that assist us in handling analytics data: The Set Role API method allows us to set roles for interactions. If analytics records are associated with these roles, it helps in organizing data based on roles.
The UBM Configuration is used to display user events when mining user behavior, aiding in the understanding and analysis of user interactions.
Updated over 1 year ago