Boundaries and Limits
The AppNavi platform has certain technical limitations, which are listed below. Some limits are also incorporated directly into the product and prevent certain thresholds from being exceeded.
Description | Limitation |
Workspaces | 100 |
Images | 1GB |
Size per image | 3MB |
Authors | 250 |
Routes | 250 |
News | 250 |
Applications | 100 |
Route Collections | 50 |
User Profiles | 50.000 |
Description | Limitation |
Assigned Routes | 50 |
Assigned News | 50 |
Assigned Route Collections | 25 |
Title length (characters) | 50 |
Url length (characters) | 128 |
Url Pattern length (characters) | 128 |
Custom Code (characters) | 15.000 |
Custom CSS ((characters)) | 15.000 |
Image size | 3MB |
Published Routes | 30 |
Published News | 50 |
Published Route Collections | 10 |
Description | Limitation |
Title length (characters) | 50 |
Description length (characters) | 100 |
Content length (characters) | 1.000 |
Image size | 3MB |
Description | Limitation |
Firstname length (characters) | 25 |
Lastname length (characters) | 25 |
Phonenumber length (characters) | 25 |
Email length (characters) | 50 |
Description | Limitation |
Routes | 50 |
Applications | 50 |
News | 100 |
Route Collections | 25 |
Authors | 100 |
Title length (characters) | 50 |
Description length (characters) | 100 |
Description | Limitation |
Steps | 30 |
Title length (characters) | 50 |
Step title length (characters) | 100 |
Step description length (characters) | 1.000 |
Size per step | 100Kb |
Custom code length (characters) | 10.000 |
Captures per step | 3 |
Url length (characters) | 512 |
Size per route | 3MB |
Route Collection
Description | Limitation |
Title length (characters) | 50 |
Description length (characters) | 100 |
Image size | 3MB |
Routes | 15 |
Description | Limitation |
Recorded events per month and application | 250.000 |
Number of events per export | 25.000 |
Data retention
All tenant data will be deleted 3 months after the expiry of the last valid contract or upon request.
Description | Limitation |
Technical logs | 3 Months |
Guidance analytics | 3 Years |
User Behavior Mining analytics | 1 Year |
Discovery analytics | 1 Year |
Audit events | 1 Year |
Updated 9 months ago