Setup the Insights

Insights are application-level configurations designed to capture user interactions and provide detailed tracking capabilities. Configured through predefined JSON settings, Insights can be tailored for specific applications to align with the user’s tracking preferences.

Setting Up Insights for an Application

To enable Insights for an application, follow these steps:

Access Contracts:

  1. Go to the Manage Tenant tab.
  2. Select the Contracts tab. This will open the Contracts page, displaying a list of available contracts.

Assign the Insights Contract:

  1. Locate the Insights contract from the list.
  2. Assign it to the target application to enable Insights for tracking.

Configure Insights:

  1. Navigate to the Insights tab.
  2. Search and select the application.
  3. Open Insights Settings and enable the Insights toggle along with the Recording toggle to start capturing interactions.

Insights configuration is divided into two primary types:

Basic Configuration
Tracking Configuration

Basic Insights Configuration

Basic configuration includes key toggles that allow users to enable or disable specific tracking features across the application:

Insights: Activates the Insights feature for this application, allowing interaction tracking based on selected settings.

Recording:Enables the recording of insights events for the configured elements and areas.

Page Tracking:Records user interactions on each page across the application, providing insights into page visits.

Page Activity Tracking:Measures and records the time users spend on each page, capturing start and end times for user engagement.

Table Tracking:Enables tracking of all interactions within tables across the application, capturing data on table usage patterns.

Form Tracking:Enables tracking of user interactions within forms throughout the application, recording input activities and form submissions.

Navigation Tracking:Tracks user interactions with navigation elements, providing insights into navigation patterns across the application.

Copy/Paste Tracking:Monitors and records all copy and paste events within the application, capturing details on text manipulation activities.

Events To Cache:Allows setting the number of events stored locally for Insights, with a default of 50 events.

Target Audience (Optional):Enables selection of a target audience to focus insights tracking on specific user groups.

Note: Disabling the main tracking toggle stops all tracking in the basic configuration.

Tracking Configuration in Insights

The Tracking Configuration section provides detailed settings for managing areas and specific trackable elements within an application:

Area: A specific section of the application where interactions are monitored.
Trackable Element: Individual elements within an area that can be independently tracked.
Configuring Areas

Area Configuration in Insights

Users can define multiple areas within an application to capture detailed tracking data with customizable parameters. Each area allows for specific settings to monitor user interaction patterns more effectively:

Activate Area:Enables or disables tracking within this particular area.

Area Title:A user-defined title to label the area for easy reference.

Border Color Selection:Assigns a unique border color to visually outline the area.

CSS Selector:A CSS identifier that selects the area for tracking.

URL Filter:Restricts tracking to specific URLs within the application, making it possible to target areas under certain page conditions.

Activity Time Tracking:Records the duration users spend interacting within the area.

Text Extraction Type:Defines the text extraction method with options:

Auto: Automatically extracts text.
Selector: Uses a specified CSS selector to extract text.
Static Text: Allows the user to input static text.
URL: Extracts text based on a pattern in the URL.
Auto Detection:Automatically tracks all interactive elements within the area, saving configuration time for each individual element.

Target Audience (Optional):Allows tracking for a specific user group, focusing insights on a target audience.

Journey Configuration for AreasIn the Journey Configuration section, users can further define how an area’s data integrates within a user’s journey:

Consider in Journey:Specifies if this area should be included as part of a user’s journey through the application.

Aggregation Type:Determines how data for the area is aggregated. Options include:

ID: Aggregates based on a unique identifier.
Label: Uses the area’s label.
Label + ID: Combines the label and ID for aggregation.

Text Extraction:Allows text extraction settings, with options for enabling specific extraction types like Auto for default text capture.

Trackable Elements Configuration in Insights

Within each defined area, users can set up multiple Trackable Elements to monitor finer details of user interactions. Each element has unique configuration options to control its tracking behavior:

Activate Trackable Element:Enables or disables tracking for this individual element within the area.

Trackable Element Title:A custom label for the element, useful for easy identification.

CSS Selector:A unique selector that identifies the element for tracking purposes.

Text Extraction Type:Specifies how text is extracted, with options including:

Auto: Extracts text automatically.
Selector: Uses a specified CSS selector.
Static Text: Allows user-defined text input.
URL: Pulls text from a URL pattern.

Journey Configuration for Trackable ElementsWithin the Journey Configuration settings for trackable elements, users can define parameters related to journey mapping:

Consider in Journey:Determines whether this trackable element should contribute to the overall user journey data.

Aggregation Type:Sets the aggregation format for the element's data, with options similar to areas:

ID: Aggregates based on a unique identifier.
Label: Uses the area’s label.
Label + ID: Combines the label and ID for aggregation.

Text Extraction:Allows text extraction settings, with options for enabling specific extraction types like Auto for default text capture.

Insights Visibility on the Avatar Side

Once Insights are configured, users can review them in the Avatar Side:

  1. Log in and select Settings.
  2. Go to Insights Settings.
  3. Enable Debug Mode to view highlighted borders around configured areas and elements.

Note: Enabling debug mode displays configured borders but restricts navigation on tracked elements.